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| Tepuys and Mesas   | 
| Page Type: Album Image Type(s): Rock Climbing, Hiking, Topo/Diagram, Informational, Scenery, Panorama | Page By: Mountainfriend Created/Edited: Mar 23, 2007 / Nov 13, 2009 Object ID: 280592 Hits: 1525  Loading... Page Score: 86.24% - 2 Votes  Loading... Vote: Log in to vote |
Home of the GodsWhat are the TEPUYES ?
Tepuy means "mountain" in the local Indian language. They use that word
to call these enormous sandstone's mesas that soar like fortresses above
the surrounding savanna and tropical forest.
There are about a hundred of these tepuyes, scattered across the States of Bolivar in Venezuela ; Amazonas, Bahia, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil and some mountains in South Africa,
like Drakensberg Range. Only a few are accessible, some are still
unexplored. They are protected as National Monuments, National Parks and
Preservation Areas.
They are the remnants of the sandstone deposits that were deposited
underwater 1.8 billion years ago, when South America and Africa were
still linked as part of the supercontinent Gondwana. 200 million years
ago, warping of the continental plates created fissures and fractures in
the sandstone plateau, then erosion for millions of years created the
present day appearance of the tepuyes.
Very similar formations but, in different continents.
1st: Tafelberg and The Spout - Drakensberg Range - South Africa
2nd: Pai Inacio - Chapada Diamantina - Brazil
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